Dev Thinktank

My Lifestream1 min read


I read something about the idea of a so called lifestream in the adactio blog. Basically it is just a RSS Mashup with any feeds related to yourself. For example I have used some of my blogs and my del.ici.ous feed for it. And voliá, after a little bit of coding and a lot of css quirks my lifestream is now online.

To compare my work to others, you may have a look at the streams of Jeff Croft and Jeremy Keith.

One reply on “My Lifestream1 min read

Hey Erich!

This lifestream looks very nice! Im thinking about create something like that for myself…
Just want to let you know that i recognized some errors on this page like

Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Utime failed: Permission denied in /www/htdocs/w005ad99/live/ on line 2449

Dont think that this is a big thing.

Anyways, have a nice evening!


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