
Google Maps Street View

Cool new Feature at Google Maps:


Rezension: Rich-Client-Entwicklung mit Eclipse

Rich-Client-Entwicklung mit Eclipse 3.2 ist ein ergänzendes Werk speziell zur Rich Client Platform (RCP) von Eclipse. Experte Berthold Daum holt mit dem Werk zu einem gründlichen Rundumschlag aus und bietet dem Leser eine fachspezifische Einführung in die Anwendungs-Entwicklung auf Basis der Eclipse-Plattform.


Boys need (new) Toys

Last week was the week of the new gadgets for me. I changed my workplace at home from two 19 inches monitors standing side by side to a 22 inches widescreen monitor. Cause of this change I have now this Samsung monitor to give away for about 250€.

Apart form the new monitor I ordered after 4 years with the same mobile phone number a new one combined with the cool W950i smart phone . The new mob is really easy to handle and has an awesome set of features:
– 4gb internal memory for a real big punch of music
– Symbian UIQ operating system (which is unfortunately sometimes very latently)
– Opera mobile Browser Platform which supports JavaScript and AJAX (Yeaah dude, my moajax lib will be out soon)
– Walkman music player
– touch screen
– and many more…..


the truth about user generated content

what user generated content ist really about:

Thinktank work & projects

The JavaScript Bible

Cause I have the pleasure to intensively work with javascript since two month I decided to order the brand new german translation of the 5th revised edition of O’reilly’s bestseller “Javascript – the definitive guide” for my next book review. And then finally yesterday the master piece arrived. I just made a quick look through and read the blurb and the index but I was really surprised of what the authors changed since the last edition. Of course there’s now a whole chapter on ajax and the xmlhttprequest object and many more interesting improvements. What I like most is that fact that it’s now a hard copy book. So, read the full book review in a few weeks here!


Joost Invitations

Somehow lots of people have been dropping me emails in the past days asking for a joost invitation. Yep, it’s true I am a beta tester but I expirience problems with my invitations like many others do. For more infos see this posting in the support forum. So I’m sorry to say but at the moment i can’t send you an invitation.

If joost fixes their bugs with the invitation system I will send out my invitaions to the people asking for it but I can’t promise you that this will ever happen.

Since my post here more and more email bounce into my mailbox. I’ve now heard that the invitations are open again and any registered user can send an unlimted amount of invitations. So please stay patient, I will send you the invitations – if posible – today evening!

[Update 2]
Everyone should now have one invitation from me. I have about 990 ones left – so comment here or drop me a line and i’ll send you the invitaion!