Dev Thinktank

How to create an AI driven content machine for your website5 min read

Simple AI tools and the connection of them makes it very easy to create large amounts of content (here in the example text) for your blog, website etc. All tools I used here are free and easy to handle.

Step 1: ask chatgpt to create a list of popular items of any category you are interest in. In my example I asked it for the most popular DOS Games with some data of additional information:

Chatgpt will return you a handy table that you can easily further process. The data is nice, but we need some more text and therefore we are going to query chatgpt for each of the game for a summary. You can do this also in the normal prompt screen, but this would take very long. I am using for this a Google Sheet with the GTP for work plugin, that allows you to use the chatgpt als normal Google Sheet functions.

Step 2: Add some more content in a Google Sheet. When you copy/paste the table it will look something like this:

I already added another column Summary where then we want chatgpt to generate our text for each game. To do that we use a simple function:

After some time the request will be filled with a text comparably to mine:

You can add the details or specifics you want to have in your text. Quick hint on the prompt: chatgpt tends to just end longer texts in the middle of a sentence, so to trick it here tell in the prompt you want a 1.500 word summary and the only the first 750 words should be displayed. With this little tweak you will avoid having cut off texts.

As we are in a Google Sheet, the only thing we have to do now is to extend the function to all other rows below and let chatgpt produce the 100 texts. Having our complete texts we can go the next step and get the data into our wordpress Blog. Doing so we use zapier.

Step 3: Import the data als new content to your wordpress blog. Create a new transfer with your source “Google Sheets” and destination “WordPress Blog”.

In the next step choose the Google Sheet File from the dropdown:

Your WordPress also needs some preparation and you need to install the zapier plugin there, so that the app can communicate properly with the blog system:

Next we need to connect our WordPress blog and enter the credentials:

And then we can put everything together and tell zapier which data to use from the Sheet to create our new blog post (you can also create pages or attachments with images):

You can also use HTML in some fields like the Content to create more advanced entries. For the game example here we could create a little table at the top showing all the additional data we have. In the next step you can then review the full dataset and choose which one zapier should transfer.

Final result: the post in WordPress:

If you have chosen the full 100 dataset you will have 100 new posts in your blog. Some constraints from the zapier/Wordpress connection: As you can also see in the screenshot the plugin uses the old classic editor and not the new block editor. Also there are no links in the posts, which are to add in another step.

To fully automate the flow, create a new Zap from the transfer in zapier and let the process run each time a new row has been added to the Sheet. So all you have to do then, is add the row with the name of a new game and the chatgpt function will create your text and the zapier zap will import it automatically to your blog.

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