New Project: open ikt book and new job

On Monday i started my new job at 3united. Quite nice there, by the way – somehow i’m missing the infrastucture i expierieced at mobilkom austria. It’s just another type of enterprise – project orientated hierachie and lot’s of young developers. I will work there for the next 2 month as a junior product manager and if i enjoy the job and 3united is satisfied with my performance, i will stay there for a longer periode.

My new project “open ikt book” was a flash of genius i just had last week. I was angry about all the cool books with experts knowledge that are very expensive and free ebooks are not easy to discover in the net. openiktbook will be a webpage were free ebooks will be listed, rated and spread all ober the world. I got a lot positiv feedback on the idea, cause lot of people, mainly IT students, are confronted with this problem. Though my new job and my “diplomprüfung” in September I will start to work on this project right now. The Domains for the site are and I will grab a .com domain also soon. So stay tuned for more infos, but i guess it will be a big one – hope so!!


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