
  • 35 years of First Person-Shooters

    A must read: The german netculture mag Telepolis with a cool feature on the 35 years anniversary of first person shooters. And unbelievable, an advertising for Microsoft Windows back in the year 1995 showing Bill Gates as a kind of host in Doom gaming scenes:

  • My Lifestream


    I read something about the idea of a so called lifestream in the adactio blog. Basically it is just a RSS Mashup with any feeds related to yourself. For example I have used some of my blogs and my del.ici.ous feed for it. And voliá, after a little bit of coding and a lot of css quirks my lifestream is now online.

    To compare my work to others, you may have a look at the streams of Jeff Croft and Jeremy Keith.

  • Rezension: JavaScript

    Mit JavaScript – Das umfassende Referenzwerk bringt O’Reilly die lang erwartete, überarbeitete Fassung des inoffiziellen JavaScript-Standardwerkes. Im Vergleich zur zweiten Auflage, die vor rund fünf Jahren erschienen ist, bietet das vorliegende Werk vor allem Aktualisierungen im Bereich Document Object Modell (DOM) und dem momentanen Hype-Thema „Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX)“. Mit seinem Umfang von 1100 Seiten trägt das Werk mit Recht den Untertitel Das umfassende Referenzwerk und kann auch weiterhin dank hoher Qualität als Standardwerk auf dem Gebiet JavaScript gehandelt werden.


  • Monkey Island Movie


    Watch the 3 minutes of monkey island movie here (in German)

  • Web2.0 Poster


    Download this Poster: PDF (8MB)

  • openKE nominated for Cisco Web2.0 Award

    I’m proud to announce that my project is one of 5 nominated finalists of the Cisco Web2.0 Award. The official presentation of the winning project will be on June the 26th as part of the Cisco Expo event.

    To be honest I was so very surprised that my project has been nominated cause it’s the only private project of the 5 finalists. I had no budget (still have none!), no idea where the dev process will lead me to, but finally I think the outcome is an unique and useful product.

  • LeCuck strikes again

    wave.jpg cap.jpg dead.jpg

    According to the rumor reporter an a couple of Monkey Island Fanpages LucasArts is working on the 5th part of everyones favorite adventure game. The 3 pics showing some concept art, also been leaked to WorldofMI by someone who’s actually involved in the project. After the big success of sam&max session 1 I think it’s the best moment for LucasArts to bring out MI5. Hopefully they try harder than in part 4.

  • Google Maps Street View

    Cool new Feature at Google Maps:

  • Rezension: Rich-Client-Entwicklung mit Eclipse

    Rich-Client-Entwicklung mit Eclipse 3.2 ist ein ergänzendes Werk speziell zur Rich Client Platform (RCP) von Eclipse. Experte Berthold Daum holt mit dem Werk zu einem gründlichen Rundumschlag aus und bietet dem Leser eine fachspezifische Einführung in die Anwendungs-Entwicklung auf Basis der Eclipse-Plattform.


  • Boys need (new) Toys

    Last week was the week of the new gadgets for me. I changed my workplace at home from two 19 inches monitors standing side by side to a 22 inches widescreen monitor. Cause of this change I have now this Samsung monitor to give away for about 250€.

    Apart form the new monitor I ordered after 4 years with the same mobile phone number a new one combined with the cool W950i smart phone . The new mob is really easy to handle and has an awesome set of features:
    – 4gb internal memory for a real big punch of music
    – Symbian UIQ operating system (which is unfortunately sometimes very latently)
    – Opera mobile Browser Platform which supports JavaScript and AJAX (Yeaah dude, my moajax lib will be out soon)
    – Walkman music player
    – touch screen
    – and many more…..