Author: erich

  • OpenKE Screens

    Development on my newest project openKE moves on quite good. I think I can start the Beta Testing in the Mid of November. Below I insertet 2 screens of the app, so you can gather a quick overview what it look like and what features it will cover.
    The first Image shows the Resources Page, which is the heart of the application. Here all the open books, videos, elearning courses etc. are stored. There will be soon more details on every resource: a picture of every book for example and so on. I also plan to host several files on a the openKE server to guarantee its accessebility.

    The second pic shows just a forum view of the java proramming intrest group. nothing particular to tell you about that feature. Another Features will be, according to the navigation items you see:
    – Special Intrest Groups with forums for knowhow exchange
    – User and contact management
    – A Skill and Intrest Profile

    Feedback is as usually very welcome. Feature Request? – bring em in!!

  • Tutorial on Moo.Fx

    I’ve created another Tutorial for you: an introduction to the visual effect libary Moo.Fx. Feedback is very welcome Access it here:
    Moo.Fx Tutorial (German)

  • OpenKE News

    The last few days I was working hard on my open knowledge community project (formerly anounced as openiktbook). I decided to change the name into OpenKE, which means open knowledge enviroment or exchange – i’m not quite sure at this stage about the name. I registered the domain for this project, already symbolising the non profit character of it. As you can see I’ve made a few logo design for the page – my favorite is the one that I inserted at the top. Feedback is very welcome!!

    Besides a little bit of artwork I spent a lot of time on the architecture, database design of the whole application. The DB strucure is at this stage done and I’m just optimizing the queries and so on. For your intrest: I made a own approach of a tagging implementation, which is actually not that new cause also utw uses it, but the performance and handling of it is quite good. I dont’ think it could be done significant better. If you are intresting in this information I can write a tutorial on it. It’s quite hard to find infos on building a tagging implementation on the net, so I think it’s a good recource for all of you.

    I don’t talk much about the features of this application, cause I just keep thinking on new cool features and this and that…There’s no clear picture of it in my mind at this stage, so I can just tell you that is is about free knowledge resources like book, videos of conferences, free e-learning courses and so…This is one part, another is the interaction between the users on the plattform. To prove that I’m not talking shit, here are my notes on the features:

    ---Global Feature List----
    - Resources Area
    * Tags/Tagcloud/Taglist
    *Popular Searches/
    *Latest and Popular Stuff Lists
    - Knowledger Area
    *Visualisation of all resources
    *ability to discover new field of intrest
    - Exchange Area
    *e-learning courses
    _ User Profile
    * Skill Table
    - Popular Searches
    - Log User interaction for a user profile

  • Tutorial on RSS

    I made a little tutorial on how to create a dynamic generated rss feed for a news scipt for example. The tutorial is written for intermediate experienced people, having knowlegde in php development and a little bit of mysql. But also Beginners could learn from it how rss works. You can access it here:
    RSS Feed Tutorial (German)

  • Launched

    For the last few days I have been working on my mobile ajax and mobile web2.0 project. The first step was just to create a blog with an individual style and some content. Follwing in the next week there will be more and more content and maybe just a few demos on mobile ajax.

    For those who have no idea what mobile web2.0 and so on is, i would like to recommend you the book Mobile Web2.0 by Ajit Jaokar and Tony Fish. I have read a few chapters of it and I’m really exited. I brought some ideas also in my thesis but this book deals more in detail with the new paradigma in the mobile content industry.

  • Finished study

    Yeah, i did it.
    Today was my in german so called “Diplomprüfung”, which was the final exam in my study!! And i did quite well. A 2 is quite satisfactory for me. So, another step in my life is over, let’s see what future brings…

  • Starting learning…

    Shure I have started learning for my exam weeks before , but now I expierience the last 2 weeks before the big day. Besides, my finished master thesis has been graded with a 2 (B) – which is quite satisfactory for me. I’ll start to send out the papers and all other infos which are not in the work to my supporters soon. If anyone really reads this blog: I’m looking forward for a new job by mid september. So please contact me if there’s a current possibilty in your company!

  • Feed Agregator update

    My personalportal called rss feed agregator is now capable to display the news on mobile devieces too. I just fixed some stuff in the css to do so. I thnik it’s an good entry point for browsing in the mobile web. Maybe if i have some spare time i will ad some features like customisation etc. to develop a service which provides such an customized portal for a single user. Now this page is just for my personal usw only!!

  • Finished Master thesis and job

    On monday there was the deadline for my master thesis. I finished working on it by time and just look forward to my grade – hopefully a 2 or 1. I’m rather pleased with the look and content of the work right know although i made a cut of more dann 30 pages. Everything is now written more precise and compact.

    The next thing to update is that I will quit my job at 3united on friday cause of the needed exam preparation, which I will face on the 13th september. So this was just a very short update on what currently going on in my life!

    News from my projects: openbook project is just delayed because I find no time to do some programming on it. I registred the domain – there will be soon some news and demos on how to use ajax in a mobile enviroment. Content is also coming soon – hopefully!! I got besides other ideas but just spent all my time on the community building of my new psp forum, which is a part of my project