what user generated content ist really about:
the truth about user generated content
The JavaScript Bible
Cause I have the pleasure to intensively work with javascript since two month I decided to order the brand new german translation of the 5th revised edition of O’reilly’s bestseller “Javascript – the definitive guide” for my next book review. And then finally yesterday the master piece arrived. I just made a quick look through and read the blurb and the index but I was really surprised of what the authors changed since the last edition. Of course there’s now a whole chapter on ajax and the xmlhttprequest object and many more interesting improvements. What I like most is that fact that it’s now a hard copy book. So, read the full book review in a few weeks here!Joost Invitations
Somehow lots of people have been dropping me emails in the past days asking for a joost invitation. Yep, it’s true I am a beta tester but I expirience problems with my invitations like many others do. For more infos see this posting in the support forum. So I’m sorry to say but at the moment i can’t send you an invitation.
If joost fixes their bugs with the invitation system I will send out my invitaions to the people asking for it but I can’t promise you that this will ever happen.
Since my post here more and more email bounce into my mailbox. I’ve now heard that the invitations are open again and any registered user can send an unlimted amount of invitations. So please stay patient, I will send you the invitations – if posible – today evening![Update 2]
Everyone should now have one invitation from me. I have about 990 ones left – so comment here or drop me a line and i’ll send you the invitaion!Boreout Syndrom
Just read this very interesting article about the so called boreout syndrome. So what’s this all about: basically the theory is just the opposite of the very famous burnout syndrome and is the caused by boredom in a working situation. It contains of 3 elements, that can occur in a not satisfactionary job:
- to be unchallenged
- disinterest
- boredom
More details on this very interesting theory you can find in this wikipedia article or in the book “Diagnose Boreout” by Philippe Rothlin and Peter R. Werder (both in german language).
Rezension: Weblogs, Podcasting…
Mit dem Aufkommen von Weblogs, Podcasts und Videocasts hat das Internet eine neue Form angenommen. Wesentlicher Unterschied zu den traditionellen Medien ist das Ausbrechen der User aus der starren Konsumentenrolle und eine starke Vernetzung zwischen den Teilnehmern. Weblogs, Podcasting und Videojournalismus betrachtet diese und weitere Eigenheiten der neuen Medien abseits des großen Web-2.0-Hypes mit hochwertigen wissenschaftlichen Analysen und Gastbeiträgen von diversen Galionsfiguren dieser Bewegung.
(more…)PS3 Start in Europe
On friday the official ps3 sale in europe will start. Unfortunately the ps3 is even now sold out cause of the hight amount of reservations. So you must be really lucky to grab one. I got the news that amazon has some pieces left so buy it now and you will get it for guaranty on friday. Very strange thing besides: I never had a ps1 or a ps2 when I was younger, but now, just neary grown up I’m fully into video gaming. In fact I just have one video game for my psp and use it mostly for programming and homebrew apps. For me the psp is the most awesome piece of hardware you can put into your pocket.
Now back to the ps3: I started today as a partner site of my psp dev page a new ps3 blog that will inform you about homebrew and dev on the ps3. Coolest thing about homebrew capabilities of it: Sony offically supports a special Linux version running on the ps3. So i think there will be really exiting stuff to write on.
Mindstorm Alpha
Last few days I have been working on a new small web applikation which is called mindstorm (hopefully lego won’t get angry cause their robotic building kit is called mindstormS). It is technically based on my openKE Framework and uses some Features like the Tagging System of it. Basically what you can do on mindstorm is to share ideas and opinions in the easiest way. There is no registration needed and synchronous and asynchronous working is posible.
Just looking forward to some people who just play arround with the appliaction and then tell me about bugs etc.
Rezension: Social Software
Weblogs, Wikis, Social Networks, Instant Messaging – all das sind Beispiele für social software. Der Mensch und die Unterstützung der Kommunikation zwischen den einzelnen Personen ist die zentrale Maxime dieses Ansatzes. Social Software bringt dieses brandaktuelle Thematik mit einer Fülle von hervorragenden Fachartikeln auf den Punkt und kratzt dabei nicht nur an der Oberfläche.
(more…)Rezension: AJAX – Eine pragmatische Einführung..
„Ajaxifizierte“ Web-Anwendungen zu bauen ist das Ausbildungsziel dieses hervorragenden Einsteigerwerkes. Der Leser erfährt auf den rund 250 Seiten was Ajax bedeutet, wie er es richtig einsetzt und welche Konsequenzen es für seine Web-Anwendung hat. Das Autoren-Trio setzt dabei auf eine Anwender-zentrierte Sichtweise der Problembehandlung von Ajax und gibt wertvolle Tipps, die auch für fortgeschrittenere Ajax Anwender wertvoll sind.
(more…)Multiple Tag Typeahead
Autocomplete or Typeahead is one of the most common Ajax Patterns. For my example I am using the script aculo us libary respectively the ajax-autocomplete control. The goal of this small tutorial is to create an type ahead mechnism for multiple tags in one input field. The problem with the basic feature of the autocomplet controller of script aculo us is, that it only handles the value of an element as input string (not only a part of it as we need it for this solution). But we want the user to be able to enter several tags and use the autocomplete feature ONLY for the last entered tag. Here is a screen of what the final solution will look like: