I spent today working on a new layout for this blog here. Beasides I added the comment feature, for those people who want seriously to give feedback on what i talk about. I think the new design is quite good – maybe I’ll submit it at css remix
or any other design gallery. So, please give me some feedback on how u like the new layout!!
Author: erich
update page layout
thoughts on new projects
What I should do that days is, to finish my master thesis and start learning for my final exam in september. But I really like to use my brain for other stuff like ideas on new web projects. Some of my ideas:
– trash weblog: this thing is in my mind for a quite long time. I hope to get not too old in the meentime for this type of things!! 🙂 content will be mostly strange and cool stuff found in the web.
– cult, 90s, oldschool page. I loved the 90s and the computer stuff there. For all who are in there early twenties like I, I will make a colletction of features related to stuff like old 2d adventures, win95 stuff, and so on. just to remember the good old times!
– mobile ajax demos: My 2nd passion besides web stuff are mobile applications. AS now operamini supports AJAX apps, i will do something with these things and I hope to gather some expirience thereby. Mobile 2.0 is a new buzz word besides web2.0. i hope it will also be that sucessfull.
Besides: on friday I will celebrate my 23th birthday!! yeah..25 here we go!!
New Project: open ikt book and new job
On Monday i started my new job at 3united. Quite nice there, by the way – somehow i’m missing the infrastucture i expierieced at mobilkom austria. It’s just another type of enterprise – project orientated hierachie and lot’s of young developers. I will work there for the next 2 month as a junior product manager and if i enjoy the job and 3united is satisfied with my performance, i will stay there for a longer periode.
My new project “open ikt book” was a flash of genius i just had last week. I was angry about all the cool books with experts knowledge that are very expensive and free ebooks are not easy to discover in the net. openiktbook will be a webpage were free ebooks will be listed, rated and spread all ober the world. I got a lot positiv feedback on the idea, cause lot of people, mainly IT students, are confronted with this problem. Though my new job and my “diplomprüfung” in September I will start to work on this project right now. The Domains for the site are openiktbook.de and openbook.at. I will grab a .com domain also soon. So stay tuned for more infos, but i guess it will be a big one – hope so!!
sIFR and XHTML validation
As some of you might have noticed, I am using the libary sIFR for some of the headlines here. sFIR is a real cool javascript libary that alose you to have stylish text headings. How it works? – It uses a Flash file instead of plain text to display nice text pasages. The problem with sFIR is somehow the XHTML validity which is not easy to establish.
I spent the last 1 1/2 hours to get this work and voila: now may page is XHTML/CSS valid. Despite the seriouse trouble when implementing i can recommend sFIR to you cause it’s and real cool alternativ to text heading images and save some bandwith of your web space.
update master thesis and new projects
As some of you might know: I wasn’t able to finish my master thesis in a satisfactory way by June. I am a little bit pissed off cause of that and I will be hopefully able to finish my study just in autumn. Cause of the free time I experience now and during the summer I will start many new web projects, which I at the beginning planned to start when I have finished my study.
The main new web project of mine will be a webdesign, webdev blog. I will create a fancy up-to-date CSS/XHTML design for the blog, which maybe will also take part in several css competitions or others. The topic of the blog will mainly be web design, web development, web standards, web marketing, and so on. It will not be one of these pseudo SEO and “I tell you how to earn a lot of money with your site” crap, but just straight forward tips und tricks from my personal point of view.
Now you will say, “ok, just one more of these type of blogs”. I don’t want to copy any of the existing “webmaster” and so on “guide blogs”, but try to make my own way. By the way: the blog will be in German language. Just look forward to it….
launch of site
Today if just started and finished the design of my new portfolio page. It is based on the blog system wordpress and a complete individual design. I left out the comment feature, cause of serious spam troubles i expierience in my other blogs and cause of the nature of this site. Maybe I will add the comment feature later…who knows. For getting into touch please use the contact form.
“Open Content – der umgang mit den freien Inhalten”
(ger/46 pages/PDF) – this work gives a brief overview on the open content movement.
“Macht und Machtmissbrauch im Cyberspace”
(ger/17 pages/PDF) – describes theories of power in cyberspace and points out abuse