According to the rumor reporter an a couple of Monkey Island Fanpages LucasArts is working on the 5th part of everyones favorite adventure game. The 3 pics showing some concept art, also been leaked to WorldofMI by someone who’s actually involved in the project. After the big success of sam&max session 1 I think it’s the best moment for LucasArts to bring out MI5. Hopefully they try harder than in part 4.
Category: Thinktank
Google Maps Street View
Cool new Feature at Google Maps:
Boys need (new) Toys
Last week was the week of the new gadgets for me. I changed my workplace at home from two 19 inches monitors standing side by side to a 22 inches widescreen monitor. Cause of this change I have now this Samsung monitor to give away for about 250€.
Apart form the new monitor I ordered after 4 years with the same mobile phone number a new one combined with the cool W950i smart phone . The new mob is really easy to handle and has an awesome set of features:
– 4gb internal memory for a real big punch of music
– Symbian UIQ operating system (which is unfortunately sometimes very latently)
– Opera mobile Browser Platform which supports JavaScript and AJAX (Yeaah dude, my moajax lib will be out soon)
– Walkman music player
– touch screen
– and many more…..the truth about user generated content
what user generated content ist really about:
The JavaScript Bible
Cause I have the pleasure to intensively work with javascript since two month I decided to order the brand new german translation of the 5th revised edition of O’reilly’s bestseller “Javascript – the definitive guide” for my next book review. And then finally yesterday the master piece arrived. I just made a quick look through and read the blurb and the index but I was really surprised of what the authors changed since the last edition. Of course there’s now a whole chapter on ajax and the xmlhttprequest object and many more interesting improvements. What I like most is that fact that it’s now a hard copy book. So, read the full book review in a few weeks here!Joost Invitations
Somehow lots of people have been dropping me emails in the past days asking for a joost invitation. Yep, it’s true I am a beta tester but I expirience problems with my invitations like many others do. For more infos see this posting in the support forum. So I’m sorry to say but at the moment i can’t send you an invitation.
If joost fixes their bugs with the invitation system I will send out my invitaions to the people asking for it but I can’t promise you that this will ever happen.
Since my post here more and more email bounce into my mailbox. I’ve now heard that the invitations are open again and any registered user can send an unlimted amount of invitations. So please stay patient, I will send you the invitations – if posible – today evening![Update 2]
Everyone should now have one invitation from me. I have about 990 ones left – so comment here or drop me a line and i’ll send you the invitaion!Boreout Syndrom
Just read this very interesting article about the so called boreout syndrome. So what’s this all about: basically the theory is just the opposite of the very famous burnout syndrome and is the caused by boredom in a working situation. It contains of 3 elements, that can occur in a not satisfactionary job:
- to be unchallenged
- disinterest
- boredom
More details on this very interesting theory you can find in this wikipedia article or in the book “Diagnose Boreout” by Philippe Rothlin and Peter R. Werder (both in german language).
PS3 Start in Europe
On friday the official ps3 sale in europe will start. Unfortunately the ps3 is even now sold out cause of the hight amount of reservations. So you must be really lucky to grab one. I got the news that amazon has some pieces left so buy it now and you will get it for guaranty on friday. Very strange thing besides: I never had a ps1 or a ps2 when I was younger, but now, just neary grown up I’m fully into video gaming. In fact I just have one video game for my psp and use it mostly for programming and homebrew apps. For me the psp is the most awesome piece of hardware you can put into your pocket.
Now back to the ps3: I started today as a partner site of my psp dev page a new ps3 blog that will inform you about homebrew and dev on the ps3. Coolest thing about homebrew capabilities of it: Sony offically supports a special Linux version running on the ps3. So i think there will be really exiting stuff to write on.
new year – new flavour
Yeah, something changed here: I spent this day whit optimizing the design of this page. I still do not like the top part, especially the header image, so there will be even more changes in the next few days.
So whats going on? – Not much. I spent the last 2 weeks on redesigning some of my projects and some bug fixing on openKE. There will be soon much more rumors about this project of mine cause I will start to make some good voice for it and promote on several pages. There are still some features to implement and some security issiues to fix but i think of a launch very soon cause of possible competitors, although it still think it’s a unique idea!
Some new topics I am thinking on: mobile podcasting and mobile social networking. I’m planning to use some modules of the openKE application to build other community based plattform out of it. Some of my thoughts and future trends can be found here.
thoughts on new projects
What I should do that days is, to finish my master thesis and start learning for my final exam in september. But I really like to use my brain for other stuff like ideas on new web projects. Some of my ideas:
– trash weblog: this thing is in my mind for a quite long time. I hope to get not too old in the meentime for this type of things!! 🙂 content will be mostly strange and cool stuff found in the web.
– cult, 90s, oldschool page. I loved the 90s and the computer stuff there. For all who are in there early twenties like I, I will make a colletction of features related to stuff like old 2d adventures, win95 stuff, and so on. just to remember the good old times!
– mobile ajax demos: My 2nd passion besides web stuff are mobile applications. AS now operamini supports AJAX apps, i will do something with these things and I hope to gather some expirience thereby. Mobile 2.0 is a new buzz word besides web2.0. i hope it will also be that sucessfull.
Besides: on friday I will celebrate my 23th birthday!! yeah..25 here we go!!